Forums - MVC2: Characters that Anakaris Owns!!! Show all 22 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- MVC2: Characters that Anakaris Owns!!! ( Posted by TheMummy on 12:17:2001 06:44 AM: MVC2: Characters that Anakaris Owns!!! Who are some of the characters that Anakaris owns? Give some tips on how Anakaris owns them. Posted by cyber_akuma2002 on 12:17:2001 07:36 AM: He's good in ways but his slowness is is only weakness but enough about that. He mostly owns keep away character because his grab move just reaches over there and bam you cought a cable.To me his supers aren't that good the only one that is useful is the back forward pp but i'm not good at button mashing so thats why i don't use him. REMEMBER OWNS KEEP AWAY.......... Posted by KKCapcom2 on 12:17:2001 11:27 AM: um i don't know, but teach me good anakaris strategy against people, now for me, i like to play other character beside top tiers and still win? understand what im saying? if now, just give me the strategy on usiing the mummy. Posted by aquarake on 12:17:2001 06:42 PM: quote: Originally posted by cyber_akuma2002 He's good in ways but his slowness is is only weakness but enough about that. He mostly owns keep away character because his grab move just reaches over there and bam you cought a cable.To me his supers aren't that good the only one that is useful is the back forward pp but i'm not good at button mashing so thats why i don't use him. REMEMBER OWNS KEEP AWAY.......... nooo thats not his ONLY weakness... he takes damage like a bitch he is the easiest to guardbreak if you do regular jump (not super jump) he is the easiest to guardbreak when your character dies... a ground idle hands will not grab a crouching or jumping opponent an air idle hands will not grab a grounded character missed idle hands = recoverly lag heaven you have to grab your opponent on the first few spit seconds the hands appear out of nowhere or else it will miss and your opponent can dash thru his hands... remember this tho... NONE of his supers are regular supers... meaning none of them are qcf or qcb or hc moves... NONE of his supers are meant for mashing... do not mash them or else the super will lose its comboness... meaning you might have hit them w/ the inital part of the super, but if you mash, u mess up the timing and it will leave an opportunity for your opponent to block Posted by Voodoo on 12:17:2001 07:30 PM: Anakaris is good vs Cable if you can predict AHVBs - since you can counter with Idle Hands. Then again, if you can predict AHVBs, you might want to invest in a character that can punish a little be more then a simple command throw. Posted by Shoto-ism™ on 12:17:2001 08:42 PM: This thread should be called "why anakaris gets owned". Capcom dropped the ball with his conversion. Posted by EXKanzenSouzou on 12:17:2001 10:15 PM: the only character that anarkis ruls is zangief.... on the other hand, i think a pro wrestler can take down a dead guy wrapped in toilet paper.....anarkis... Posted by DeathFromAbove on 12:17:2001 11:28 PM: Hmmm...plenty of misinformation in this thread... quote: He mostly owns keep away character because his grab move just reaches over there and bam The reality is that Anakaris has more difficulty with keep away characters than anybody else. Why? He lacks a real jump, and hence lacks a real dash-jump. His dash is too short to cover enough ground, and his air dash (which is somewhat slow to start with) only travels horizontally. SJ XX air dash leads to random hits, but doesn't create any real combo opportunities, while putting him in some danger. For the record, Miira Drop will break up trap patterns in which the opponents point character abuses standing attacks, and does not keep jumping back. Which is not many. quote: NONE of his supers are meant for mashing... do not mash them or else the super will lose its comboness... meaning you might have hit them w/ the inital part of the super, but if you mash, u mess up the timing and it will leave an opportunity for your opponent to block Neither Pharoah Illusion nor Asp Rush will do any hits if you do not push some buttons. Perhaps what they were trying to say is that you have to mash in a certain pattern in order to get the hits to combo together? For Pharoah Illusion, mash Jab-Fierce-jab-fierce-jab-fierce, and for Asp Rush, mash clockwise quickly w/ 1 or 2 fingers starting with LK. Briefly, here's what he's good at: Anakaris owns runaway. There's nobody who can run from the Sarcophagi, since they come from above. Anakaris does well against rushdown, as long as his AAA is more invincible than the opponents. This way, they are forced to come from the air, and his C.HP beats all airborne attacks except: Cable's J.HK, Cyclops J.downHK, and J.HP from any sword character. Beats Cyclops and Megaman's keepaway. Both of them just like to sit there and S.HP while calling assists, and waiting for you to SJ. Instead, throw them out of the opening frames of S.HP with Miira Drop. He also breaks the Sent-BH trapping pattern by grabbing Sent out of the opening frames of Sentinel Force. Poking. S.HP, S.HK, and C.HK are all fabulous long-range attacks. Against rushdown characters, you should simultaneously call a AAA, and drop a Sarcophagus at their location. Against keepaway, just drop a Sarcophagus slightly behind them (it should still hit them if they stand still). Optionally, you can add a projectile assist into that pattern. When blocked, Sarcophagi have no recovery time, so as long as you can cover the startup, you're safe. And he beats extra-wide characters (Juggernaut, e.g.), by just SJing and dropping coffins. Unless they have Crapcom-AAA. Also, when you get the opportunity, go ahead and dash-in on the opponent, since his combos do high damage. -DFA Posted by aquarake on 12:18:2001 04:16 AM: quote: Originally posted by DeathFromAbove Hmmm...plenty of misinformation in this thread... The reality is that Anakaris has more difficulty with keep away characters than anybody else. Why? He lacks a real jump, and hence lacks a real dash-jump. His dash is too short to cover enough ground, and his air dash (which is somewhat slow to start with) only travels horizontally. SJ XX air dash leads to random hits, but doesn't create any real combo opportunities, while putting him in some danger. For the record, Miira Drop will break up trap patterns in which the opponents point character abuses standing attacks, and does not keep jumping back. Which is not many. Neither Pharoah Illusion nor Asp Rush will do any hits if you do not push some buttons. Perhaps what they were trying to say is that you have to mash in a certain pattern in order to get the hits to combo together? For Pharoah Illusion, mash Jab-Fierce-jab-fierce-jab-fierce, and for Asp Rush, mash clockwise quickly w/ 1 or 2 fingers starting with LK. Briefly, here's what he's good at: Anakaris owns runaway. There's nobody who can run from the Sarcophagi, since they come from above. Anakaris does well against rushdown, as long as his AAA is more invincible than the opponents. This way, they are forced to come from the air, and his C.HP beats all airborne attacks except: Cable's J.HK, Cyclops J.downHK, and J.HP from any sword character. Beats Cyclops and Megaman's keepaway. Both of them just like to sit there and S.HP while calling assists, and waiting for you to SJ. Instead, throw them out of the opening frames of S.HP with Miira Drop. He also breaks the Sent-BH trapping pattern by grabbing Sent out of the opening frames of Sentinel Force. Poking. S.HP, S.HK, and C.HK are all fabulous long-range attacks. Against rushdown characters, you should simultaneously call a AAA, and drop a Sarcophagus at their location. Against keepaway, just drop a Sarcophagus slightly behind them (it should still hit them if they stand still). Optionally, you can add a projectile assist into that pattern. When blocked, Sarcophagi have no recovery time, so as long as you can cover the startup, you're safe. And he beats extra-wide characters (Juggernaut, e.g.), by just SJing and dropping coffins. Unless they have Crapcom-AAA. Also, when you get the opportunity, go ahead and dash-in on the opponent, since his combos do high damage. -DFA yes what i meant to say is you dont mash, you press buttons in a sequence from the "pop-open and out comes snakes" super... lp hp lk hk... and for the sarcaphegus drop, it depends where they are at, if they are far away, you do lk hk repeat... halfscreen is hp lk repeat, and close up is lp hp repeat Posted by cyber_akuma2002 on 12:18:2001 04:23 AM: Sometimes i use him for his annoying jumping in the air then just do his down,down ip or ik or mk or hk quite funny. Posted by dReW on 12:18:2001 05:38 AM: drop lotso coffins chain his attacks into throws launcher has super high priority. launch into (b,f,PP) and learn to mash good... can do up to 80% Posted by KapKom on 12:19:2001 05:09 AM: Anakaris owns: Strider one on one (OOO) Blackheart OOO Roll Servebot Shuma Zangief Ryu Ken Akuma Dan C. America C. Comando Morrigan Felicia Cable OOO Doom OOO Psylock OOO Megaman Thanos sentinal (sometimes OOO) 30% of the time Sabertooth wolverine wolverine #2 BB Hood Jill Guile Charlie Cable W/o anti air Storm 30% of the time, depends on player Magneto 30% of the time, depends on player Chun Li Son Son Amingo Ruby Heart Ironman War Machine Hulk Jugg Spiral Silver Samurai Cyclops OOO if I missed anyone let me know and ask about certain peop[le and I'll tell yopu how to beat them. Posted by smacked311 on 12:19:2001 06:15 AM: i wanna figure out how you came up w/ the list of who anakaris owns... Posted by Iceman on 12:19:2001 06:29 AM: Kapkom: First: if a character is only winning 30% of the matches they are getting owned Second: If Anakaris truely had the advantage on that many characters, wouldn't he be top tier? Wouldn't people use him in tournaments? I want to hear why you say Anakaris most of those matches. Please explain Anakaris vs: Storm Sentinel Magneto Strider Blackheart Cable Doom Cyclops Spiral Iron Man War Machine Guile Ruby Heart Then if you have time could you get to: C. Comando Morrigan Megaman wolverine wolverine #2 Charlie Silver Samurai Posted by cyber_akuma2002 on 12:19:2001 06:50 AM: Damn guys servbot gets owned by everyone Posted by aquarake on 12:19:2001 08:45 PM: put servbot as either balance type or projectile type, put him up with Iron man and bbhood, if you have 3 supers, u can do about 40% chippage... Posted by DeathFromAbove on 12:19:2001 09:34 PM: quote: Originally posted by KapKom Anakaris owns: Insert long ass list here. Bullshit. Anakaris doesn't beat anybody for free except for Juggernaut w/o Capcom or BH assists, and then only if he has the lead. Give Anakaris Psylocke, Cammy, or Ken AAA, and he has an advantage on all of the characters whose only viable strategy is to rush him down, save Magneto. He also gives BH problems. He has disadvantaged matches against anyone using a chipping/ trapping strategy, and loses for just plain free to Cable, Doom, & Cyclops. As a matter of fact, anybody w/ an air super can just jumpback + Doom-B, and give him problems. -DFA Posted by panmarblic on 12:19:2001 10:36 PM: Anakaris... hm... One thing that no one mentioned yet is his c.short. That move has unbelievable speed/priority. Also, his overhead kick is reasonably fast to be used in fights other than a surprise attack. I really miss his wall-dash from vampire series, the one where he dashes into the wall and come out on the other side of the screen. Posted by KapKom on 12:21:2001 04:57 PM: quote: Originally posted by Iceman Kapkom: First: if a character is only winning 30% of the matches they are getting owned Second: If Anakaris truely had the advantage on that many characters, wouldn't he be top tier? Wouldn't people use him in tournaments? I want to hear why you say Anakaris most of those matches. Please explain Anakaris vs: Storm Sentinel Magneto Strider Blackheart Cable Doom Cyclops Spiral Iron Man War Machine Guile Ruby Heart Then if you have time could you get to: C. Comando Morrigan Megaman wolverine wolverine #2 Charlie Silver Samurai No, Anakaris wouldn't be top tier because the game in not OOO. Storm: Having played against very good Storms, I know how to block her triangle jumping with Fierce, Roundhouse, or Short. Anakaris’ low Short, standing Jab and Pyramid Drop (in air f, df, or d and any kick) have the SAME priority as Magneto’s Roundhouse. An in-your-face pixie type match might be too intense for an average Storm, escecially with Anakas’ two overheads. What other things is Storm good at? Keepaway. Build meter, Hailstorm, chip to death. Anakaris can chase her with his air dash, coffin drops, and well timed Idle Hands (I can always catch storm with idle hands after blocked Lightning Attack on ground or air :-). With blocked Coffins making her land and a couple of mixed low shorts with overheads, which Anakaris can combo after, he’s a little more powerful than Storm. I believe/know (depends on skill level of course) Anakaris would win OOO. And I put the 30% percent figure in there because the forum readers will know Sentinal is not unstoppable. There is ONE good Sentinal player in my area and because I’ve practiced with him many time, I know his play style and can beat him once in a while. I just haven’t had much experience againt Sentenals. Posted by KapKom on 12:21:2001 05:06 PM: One question. Where do some of you, who disagree about Anakaris, live? I'd be willing to travel just to show you what I mean. I'm In Chicago, IL Posted by Super Armor on 01:13:2002 05:17 AM: Never got owned by Anakaris with big guys Hulk, Colossus, Sentinel and Juggernaut. Played against goood Anakaris players but never got owned... He takes many damage. ______________________ Cruouch! Posted by Gilliam on 01:13:2002 05:45 AM: quote: Originally posted by Iceman Kapkom: First: if a character is only winning 30% of the matches they are getting owned Second: If Anakaris truely had the advantage on that many characters, wouldn't he be top tier? Wouldn't people use him in tournaments? I want to hear why you say Anakaris most of those matches. Please explain Anakaris vs: Storm Sentinel Magneto Strider Blackheart Cable Doom Cyclops Spiral Iron Man War Machine Guile Ruby Heart Then if you have time could you get to: C. Comando Morrigan Megaman wolverine wolverine #2 Charlie Silver Samurai i agree with iceman on this one. All times are GMT. The time now is 12:05 AM. Show all 22 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.